Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Staged Situation

Now here's an artwork that has no picture but conjures up a beaut.... Excerpts from:

You Can’t Hold It, but You Can Own It

Published: November 25, 2007 (NEW YORK TIMES)

Mr. Sehgal, 31, who lives in Berlin, creates what he calls “staged situations”: interactive experiences that may not even initially declare themselves as works of art.

...Yasmil Raymond, the curator of the Walker show, described a recent visit to the Biennial in Lyon, France, where she did not realize that a piece by Mr. Sehgal was on display. “He had a Dan Flavin, a Larry Bell and a Dan Graham in the corner,” she said. “The minute I entered the space, the guard came in and started stripping. I slowly crawled behind the Dan Graham. I was so embarrassed I didn’t know what to do with myself. I wanted to know the title of the piece, and I had to wait. At the end, when he takes off all this clothing, he says the title and then puts his clothes back on. It was called ‘Selling Out.’”

I'm smiling already!

read the article (sorry, its cut and paste right now - can't figure out why these links aren't live)

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